Thursday, May 18, 2006

The 'Make Controller' (Coming soon)

Ok. I'm always a little happy when the new issue of 'Make:' Magazine comes out. Found a little item in there that others may be interested in checking out (but while you're there check out the magazine - cause it's a good investment).

It seems Make: and MakingThings are attempting to come up with an extremely flexible and powerful controller board - designed specifically for the hobbyist. They're trying to make it simple enough for the average joe while keeping it attractive to the hard-core hobbyist.

From what I understand (very quick read) the design is 2 part - The processor board and the application board. With things like USB 2.0, ETHERNET, CAN, SPI and lotsa lotsa other features - all for a low low price of........$150 - well...they even include the schematics (not the processor board)...I'd say we have a winner here. Jump over to the site and pre-order (after I do)...hehe

Make: Controller details and Preorder

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